Agriculture Reference
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under natural vegetation on a similar soil
in the local climate and hydrology may
serve as a reference. A recent analysis has
shown that progress towards meeting en-
vironmental goals and targets over the past
decades has been very limited (UNEP,
2012b). However, areas where significant
progress has been achieved were character-
ized by a clear problem definition, agreed
goals, specific targets and indicators to
track progress. As countries and other
stakeholders prepare themselves to follow
up on the outcomes of the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development
(Rio+20), a science-based contribution to
help develop a target for soil carbon stock
and mechanisms to track progress towards
meeting goals in land-use sustainability
could be an important contribution. This
effort would fill an important gap in the
sustainability framework related to land-
use changes and their impact and role in
climate change mitigation, food security,
biofuels and water supply.
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sols on zeolitic Deccan basalt of humid tropical India. Geoderma 136, 609-620.
Bhattacharyya, T., Chandran, P., Ray, S.K., Pal, D.K., Venugopalan, M.V., Mandal, C. and Wani, S.P. (2007a)
Changes in levels of carbon in soils over years of two important food production zones of India.
Current Science 93, 1854-1863.
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Castellano, M. and Valone, T. (2007) Livestock, soil compaction and water infiltration rate: evaluating a
potential desertification recovery mechanism. Journal of Arid Environments 71, 97-108.
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