Graphics Programs Reference
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r = sqrt(xˆ2 + yˆ2);
theta = atan2(y,x);
If you type polarcoordinates(3,4) , only the first output argument is re-
turned and stored in ans ; in this case, the answer is 5 . To see bothoutputs,
you must assign them to variables enclosed in square brackets:
>> [r, theta] = polarcoordinates(3,4)
theta =
By typing r = polarcoordinates(3,4) you can assign the first output ar-
gument to the variable r , but you cannot get only the second output argument;
typing theta = polarcoordinates(3,4) will still assign the first output,
5 ,to theta .
Complex Arithmetic
MATLAB does most of its computatio ns using complexnumbers , that is, num-
bers of the form a + bi , where i = 1 and a and b are real numbers. The
complex number i is represented as i in MATLAB. Although you may never
have occasion to enter a complex number in a MATLAB session, MATLAB
often produces an answer involving a complex number. For example, many
polynomials withreal coefficients have complex roots:
>> solve('xˆ2 + 2*x+2=0')
ans =
[ -1+i]
[ -1-i]
Bothroots of this quadratic equation are complex numbers, expressed in
terms of the number i . Some common functions also return complex values
for certain values of the argument. For example,
>> log(-1)
ans =
0 + 3.1416i
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