Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
We describe more of MATLAB's graphics commands in Chapter 5.
For now, we content ourselves withdemonstrating ow to plot a pair of
expressions on the same graph.
Plotting Multiple Curves
Eachtime you execute a plotting command, MATLAB erases the old plot and
draws a new one. If you want to overlay two or more plots, type hold on .
This command instructs MATLAB to retain the old graphics and draw any
new graphics on top of the old. It remains in effect until you type hold off .
Here's an example using ezplot :
>> ezplot('exp(-x)', [0 10])
>> hold on
>> ezplot('sin(x)', [0 10])
>> hold off
>> title 'exp(-x) and sin(x)'
The result is shown in Figure 2-3 earlier in this chapter. The commands hold
on and hold off work withall graphics commands.
With plot , you can plot multiple curves directly. For example,
>> X = 0:0.1:10;
>> plot(X, exp(-X), X, sin(X))
Note that the vector of x coordinates must be specified once for eachfunction
being plotted.
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