Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
findobj Finds graphics objects with specified property values.
findobj('Type', 'Line')
gca Gets current axes.
gcf Gets current figure.
get Gets properties of a figure.
getframe Command to get the frames of a movie or animation.
T = 0:0.1:2*pi;
for j = 1:12
plot(5*cos(j*pi/6) + cos(T), 5*sin(j*pi/6) + sin(T));
axis([-6 6 -6 6]);
M(j) = getframe;
ginput Gathers coordinates from a figure using the mouse (press the RETURN key
to finish).
[X, Y] = ginput
grid Puts a grid on a figure.
gtext Places a text label using the mouse.
gtext('Region of instability')
hist Draws a histogram.
for j = 1:100
Y(j) = rand;
hold Holds the current graph. Superimposes any new graphics generated by
MATLAB on top of the current figure.
hold on
hold off
legend Creates a legend for a figure.
t = 0:0.1:2*pi;
plot(t, cos(t), t, sin(t))
legend('cos(t)', 'sin(t)')
loglog Creates a log-log plot.
x = 0.0001:0.1:12; loglog(x, x.ˆ5)
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