Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
symsum Performs a symbolic summation of a vector, possibly withinfinitely many
symsxkn;symsum(xˆk, k, 0, n)
syms n; symsum(nˆ(-2), n, 1, Inf)
taylor Gives a Taylor polynomial approximation of a specified order (the default is
5) at a specified point (default is 0).
syms x; taylor(cos(x), 8, 0)
taylor(exp(1/x), 10, Inf)
transpose Transposeofamatrix(compare ctranspose ).Convertsacolumnvector
to a row vector, and vice versa. Usually invoked withthe .' operator.
type Displays the contents of a specified file.
type myfile.m
vectorize Vectorizes a symbolic expression. Useful in defining inline functions.
f = inline(vectorize('xˆ2 - 1/x'))
vpa Evaluates an expression to the specified degree of accuracy using variable
precision arithmetic.
vpa('1/3', 20)
whos Lists current information on all the variables in the Workspace.
zeros Creates a matrix of zeros.
zeros(3, 1)
Graphics Commands
area Produces a shaded graph of the area between the x axis and a curve.
X = 0:0.1:4*pi; Y = sin(X); area(X, Y)
axes Creates an empty figure window.
axis Sets axis scaling and appearance.
axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]) — sets ranges for the axes.
axis tight — sets the axis limits to the full range of the data.
axis equal — makes the horizontal and vertical scales equal.
axis square — makes the axis box square.
axis off — hides the axes and tick marks.
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