Graphics Programs Reference
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num2str Converts a number to a string. Useful in programming.
constant = ['a' num2str(1)]
ode45 Numerical ODE solver for first-order equations. See MATLAB's online help
for ode45 for a list of other MATLAB ODE solvers.
f = inline('tˆ2 + y', 't', 'y')
[x, y] = ode45(f, [0 10], 1);
plot(x, y)
ones Creates a matrix of ones.
ones(3, 1)
open Opens a file. The way this is done depends on the filename extension.
open myfigure.fig
path Without an argument, displays the search path. With an argument, sets the
searchpath. Type help path for details.
pretty Displays a symbolic expression in a more readable format.
syms x y; expr = x/(x - 3)/(x + 2/y)
prod Computes the product of the entries of a vector.
X=[351-623-56100]; prod(X)
pwd Shows the name of the current (working) directory.
quadl Numerical integration command. In MATLAB 5.3 or earlier, use quad8 in-
format long; quadl('sin(exp(x))', 0, 1)
g = inline('sin(exp(x))'); quad8(g, 0, 1)
quit Terminates a MATLAB session.
rand Random number generator; gives a random number between 0 and 1.
rank Gives the rank of a matrix.
A = [2 3 5; 4 6 8]; rank(A)
roots Finds the roots of a polynomial whose coefficients are given by the elements
of the vector argument of roots .
roots([1 2 2])
round Rounds a number to the nearest integer.
save Saves Workspace variables to a specified file. See also diary and load .
save filename
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