Graphics Programs Reference
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eye The identity matrix of the specified size.
factor Factors a polynomial.
syms x y; factor(xˆ4 - yˆ4)
feval Evaluates a function specified by a string. Useful in function M-files.
feval('exp', 1)
find Finds the indices of nonzero elements of a vector or matrix.
X = [2 0 5]; find(X)
fminbnd Finds the smallest (approximate) value of a function over an interval.
fminbnd('xˆ4 - xˆ2 + 1', 0, 1)
f = inline('xˆ3 - 7*xˆ2 - 5*x + 2', 'x'); fminbnd(f, 4, 6)
format Specifies the output format for numerical variables.
format long
fzero Tries to find a zero of the specified function near a given starting point or on
a specified interval.
fzero(inline('cos(x) - x'), 1)
fzero(@cos, [-pi 0])
guide Opens the GUI Design Environment.
guide mygui
help Asks for documentation for a MATLAB command. See also lookfor .
help factor
inline Constructs a MATLAB inline function from a string expression.
f = inline('xˆ5 - x'); f(3)
sol = dsolve('Dy = xˆ2 + y', 'y(0) = 2', 'x');
fsol = inline(vectorize(sol), 'x')
int Integration operator for bothdefinite and indefinite integrals.
int('1/(1 + xˆ2)', 'x')
syms x; int(exp(-x), x, 0, Inf)
inv Inverse of a square matrix.
inv([1 2; 3 5])
jacobian Computes the Jacobian matrix, or for a scalar function, the symbolic gra-
syms x y; f = xˆ2*yˆ3; jacobian(f)
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