Graphics Programs Reference
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MATLAB Commands
addpath Adds the specified directory to MATLAB's file search path.
addpath C: \ my -- mfiles
ans A variable holding the value of the most recent unassigned output.
cd Makes the specified directory the current (working) directory.
cd C: \ mydocs \ mfiles
char Converts a symbolic expression to a string. Useful for defining inline functions.
syms x y
f = inline(char(sin(x)*sin(y)))
clear Clears values and definitions for variables and functions. If you specify one
or more variables, then only those variables are cleared.
clear f g
collect Collects coefficients of powers of the specified symbolic variable in a given
symbolic expression.
syms x y
collect(xˆ2 - 2*xˆ2 + 3*x + x*y, x)
compose Composition of functions.
syms x y; f = exp(x); g = sin(y); h = compose(f, g)
ctranspose Conjugate transpose of a matrix. Usually invoked withthe ' operator.
Equivalent to transpose for real matrices.
D NotatrueMATLABcommand.Usedin dsolve todenotedifferentiation.See diff .
dsolve('x*Dy + y = sin(x)', 'x')
delete Deletes a file.
delete <filename>
det The determinant of a matrix.
det([1 3; 4 5])
diag Gives a square matrix witha prescribed diagonal vector, or picks out te
diagonal in a square matrix.
V = [2 3 4 5]; diag(V)
X = [2 3; 4 5]; diag(X)
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