Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
: Rangeoperator,usedfordefiningvectorsandmatrices.Type help colon formore
' Complex conjugate transpose of a matrix. See ctranspose . Also delimits the
beginning and end of a string.
; SuppressesoutputofaMATLABcommand,andcanbeusedtoseparatecommands
on a command line. Also used to separate the rows of a matrix or column vector.
X = 0:0.1:30;
[1; 2; 3]
, Separates elements of a row of a matrix, or arguments to a command. Can also be
used to separate commands on a command line.
.' Transpose of a matrix. See transpose .
... Line continuation operator. Cannot be used inside quoted strings. Type help
punct for more information.
['This is a way to create very long strings ', ...
'that span more than one line. Note the square brackets.']
! Run command from operating system.
!C: \ Programs \ program.bat
% Comment. MATLAB will ignore the rest of the same line.
@ Creates a function handle.
fminbnd(@cos, 0, 2*pi)
Built-in Constants
eps Roughly the size of the computer's floating point round-off error; on most
computers it is around 2
10 16 .
exp(1) e
. Note that e has no special meaning.
i i
1. This assignment can be overridden, for example, if you want to use i as
an index in a for loop. In that case j can be used for the imaginary unit.
. Also inf (in lower-case letters).
NaN Not a number. Used for indeterminate expressions suchas 0
π =
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