Graphics Programs Reference
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u ( t ), and at the j th time, the car positions are stored in the j throw of the
matrix carpositions.signals.values . Try the program!
We should mention here one fine point needed to create a realistic movie.
Namely, we need the values of tout to be equally spaced — otherwise the
cars will appear to be moving faster when the time steps are large and will
appear to be moving slower when the time steps are small. In its default
mode of operation, SIMULINK uses a variable-step differential equation
solver based on MATLAB's command ode45 , and so the entries of tout will
not be equally spaced. To fix this, open the Simulation Parameters...
dialog box using the Edit menu in the model window, choose the Solver tab,
and change the Output options box to read: Produce specified output
only , chosen to be something such as [0:0.5:20]. Then the model will output
the car positions only at multiples of t = 0 . 5, and the MATLAB program
above will produce a 41-frame movie.
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