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which agrees with the formula we had above. (Note the use of syms to reset
R and P to undefined symbolic quantities.) Thus the column vector [ P ;1]
resulting after n payments can be computed by left-multiplying the starting
vector [ A ; 1] by the matrix B n . Assuming m > 1, that is, a positive rate of
interest, the calculation
[eigenvectors, diagonalform] = eig(B)
eigenvectors =
[ 1, 1]
[ 0, (m-1)/R]
diagonalform =
shows us that the matrix B has eigenvalues m and 1, and corresponding
eigenvectors [1; 0] and [1;( m 1) / R ] = [1; J / R ]. Now we can write the vector
[ A ; 1] as a linear combination of the eigenvectors: [ A ;1] = x [1;0] + y [1; J / R ].
We can solve for the coefficients:
[x, y] = solve('A = x*1 + y*1', '1 = x*0 + y*J/R')
and so
[ A ;1] = ( A ( R / J )) [1;0] + ( R / J ) [1; J / R ]
B n
· [ A ;1] = ( A ( R / J )) m n
[1;0] + ( R / J ) [1; J / R ] .
Therefore the principal remaining after n payments is
P = (( A J R ) m n
+ R ) / J = A m n
R ( m n
1) / J .
This is the same result we obtained earlier.
To conclude, let's determine the amount of money A one can afford to
borrow as a function of what one can afford to pay as the monthly
payment R . We simply solve for A in the equation that P = 0 after N
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