Graphics Programs Reference
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Using while , one can easily end up accidentally creating an “infinite
loop”, one that will keep running indefinitely because the condition
you set is never met. Remember that you can generally interrupt
the execution of such a loop by typing CTRL+C; otherwise, you may
have to shut down MATLAB.
Open-Ended Loops
Here is a simple example of a script M-file that uses while to numerically
sum the infinite series 1 / 1 4
+ 1 / 2 4
+ 1 / 3 4
+··· , stopping only when the terms
become so small (compared to the machine precision) that the numerical sum
stops changing:
oldsum = -1;
newsum = 0;
while newsum > oldsum
oldsum = newsum;
newsum = newsum + nˆ(-4);
Here we initialize newsum to 0 and n to 1 , and in the loop we successively
add nˆ(-4) to newsum , add 1 to n , and repeat. The purpose of the variable
oldsum is to keep track of how much newsum changes from one iteration
to the next. Each time MATLAB reaches the end of the loop, it starts over
again at the while statement. If newsum exceeds oldsum , the expression in
the while statement is true, and the loop is executed again. But the first
time the expression is false, which will happen when newsum and oldsum are
equal, MATLAB skips to the end statement and executes the next line, which
displays the final value of newsum (the result is 1.0823 to five significant
digits). The initial value of -1 that we gave to oldsum is somewhat arbitrary,
but it must be negative so that the first time the while statement is executed,
the expression therein is true; if we set oldsum to 0 initially, then MATLAB
would skip to the end statement without ever running the commands in the
Even though you can construct an M-file like the one above without deciding
exactly how many times to run the loop, it may be useful to consider roughly
how many times it will need to run. Since the floating point computations on
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