Graphics Programs Reference
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One way to make this M-file work for vectors and matrices is to use a loop
to evaluate the function element-by-element, with an if statement inside the
function y = f(x)
y = ones(size(x));
for n = 1:prod(size(x))
if x(n) ~= 0
y(n) = sin(x(n))/x(n);
In the M-file above, we first create the eventual output y as an array of ones
with the same size as the input x . Here we use size(x) to determine the
number of rows and columns of x ; recall that MATLAB treats a scalar or a
vector as an array withone row and/or one column. Then prod(size(x))
yields the number of elements in x .Sointhe for statement n varies from 1
to this number. For each element x(n) , we check to see if it is nonzero, and
if so we redefine the corresponding element y(n) accordingly. (If x(n) equals
0 , there is no need to redefine y(n) since we defined it initially to be 1 .)
We just used an important but subtle feature of MATLAB, namely that
eachelement of a matrix can be referred to witha single index; for example,
if x isa3
2 array then its elements can be enumerated as x(1) , x(2) ,
x(6) . In this way, we avoided using a loop within a loop. Similarly, we could
use length(x(:)) in place of prod(size(x)) to count the total number of
entries in x . However, one has to be careful. If we had not predefined y to have
the same size as x , but rather used an else statement inside the loop to let
y(n) be 1 when x(n) is 0 , then y would have ended up a 1 × 6 array rather
than a 3 × 2 array. We then could have used the command y = reshape(y,
size(x)) at the end of the M-file to make y have the same shape
as x . However, even if the shape of the output array is not important, it is
generally best to predefine an array of the appropriate size before computing
it element-by-element in a loop, because the loop will then run faster.
Next, consider the following modification of the M-file above:
function y = f(x)
y = sin(x)./x;
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