Geoscience Reference
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(Notonectidae), water scorpions (Nepidae,
236 ), water boatmen (Corixidae), and
water striders (Gerridae). Members of the
last family walk on the surface of the water
on the lookout for insects which have
fallen in and are struggling, while the
others are truly aquatic and prey on other
aquatic insects.
The most primitive holometabolous
insects are the neuropteridan orders:
Raphidioptera (snakeflies), Megaloptera
(alderflies and dobsonflies), and
Neuroptera (lacewings ( 237 ) and ant-lions).
All are fearsome predators and can be
recognized because, when at rest, many
fold their wings over the body in an inverted
235 Giant froghopper
Petrolystra gigantea
Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha:
Cercopidae NHM. Length
of patterned forewing
26 mm 1 in.
236 The water scorpion Nepa vulcanica
Heteroptera: Nepidae YPM. Length
14 mm 0.5 in.
237 Lacewing Palaeochrysa stricta
Neuroptera: Chrysopidae; notice the greasy
mark on the rock beneath the abdomen
where body fluids have leaked and stained
the rock matrix NHM. Length of forewing
13 mm 0.5 in.
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