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components of sets D.p/\A.q/ , for all critical points p and q of function f [ 69 , 70 ]. Each
cell of the Morse-Smale complex is the union of the integral lines sharing the same origin p of
index i and the same destination q of index j . e dimension of the cell is given by the difference
of the indices. Examples of descending and ascending manifolds on a surface and the resulting
Morse-Smale complex are shown in Figure 10.1 .
Figure 10.1: (a) Descending manifolds of maxima and saddles; (b) Ascending manifolds of minima
and saddles; (c) e Morse-Smale complex given by the overlay of these ascending and descending
e Morse-Smale complex is characterized by cells with a regular connectivity. In the 2D
case, each saddle point p has four incident 1 -cells, two joining p to maxima, and two joining p to
minima. Such 1 -cells alternate in a cyclic order around p . Also, the 2 -cells are quadrangles whose
vertices are critical points of f of index 1;0;1;2 (i.e., saddle, minimum, saddle, maximum) in
this order. In the 3D case, all 2 -cells are quadrangles whose vertices are a minimum, 1 -saddle,
2 -saddle, 1 -saddle in this order ( quadrangles of type 1 ), or a 1 -saddle, a 2 -saddle, a maximum, a
1 -saddle in this order ( quadrangles of type 2 ). A 1 -cell connecting a 1 -saddle and a 2 -saddle is on
the boundary of four quadrangles that alternate between quadrangles of type 1 and type 2 . e
3 -cells are called crystals and are bounded by quadrangles [ 69 , 70 ].
e 1 -skeleton of a Morse-Smale complex is a 1-complex formed by integral lines joining
critical points. Similar structures among critical points have been widely studied in the literature
under the name of critical nets . A graph representation of the critical net in a two-dimensional
Morse-Smale complex is the so-called surface network [ 163 , 174 ], widely used in spatial data
processing for morphological terrain modeling and analysis (see [ 165 ] for an interesting collection
of contributions on this specific topic).
Morse and Morse-Smale complexes have been extensively studied, mainly for the under-
standing and visualization of scalar fields, but also for more general applications in shape analysis,
by using as function the curvature [ 133 , 155 ], or the Connolly function [ 41 ]. A considerable num-
ber of algorithms has been developed for extracting critical points and lines, with a specific focus
on terrain modeling and analysis. In general, region-based methods aim at extracting a Morse
complex, while boundary-based approaches typically focus on the computation of a Morse-Smale
complex. In case of simplicial models the most popular algorithms for the extraction of the Morse
and Morse-Smale complexes are [ 31 , 41 , 54 , 55 , 69 , 70 , 97 , 131 , 151 , 158 ].
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