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function f over M (see chapter 8 , definition 8.1 ). Indeed, integral lines are pair-wise disjoint,
that is, if their images share a point, then they are the same line. e images of integral lines cover
the whole M , but if we consider the integral lines associated with the critical points of f , their
images define a partition of M .
is partition is used to decompose M into regions of uniform flow, thus capturing the
characteristics of the gradient field. More precisely, the descending manifold of a critical point p
is the set D.p/ of points that flow towards p , and the ascending manifold of p is the set A.p/ of
points that originate from p ¹ . In formulae:
A.p/Dfq2MW lim
t!C1 q .t/Dpg
t!1 q .t/Dpg;
where q is the integral line at the point q . Note that the descending manifold of f is the ascend-
ing manifold of f .
e descending manifold of a critical point p of index i is an open i -cell. Similarly, the
ascending manifold of a critical point of index i is an ni open cell. For example, if M is a
2 -manifold the descending manifold of a maximum is an open disk, that of a saddle is an open
interval, and that of a minimum is the minimum itself.
e collection of all descending manifolds forms a complex, called the descending Morse
complex , and the collection of all ascending manifolds also form a complex, called the ascending
Morse complex , which is dual with respect to the descending complex (see Figure 10.1 left and
middle). For instance, when M is a 2 -manifold, the 2 -cells of the descending Morse 2-complex
correspond to the maxima of f , the 1 -cells to the saddle points, and the 0-cells to the minima.
Symmetrically, the 2 -cells of the ascending Morse 2-complex correspond to the minima of f ,
the 1 -cells again to the saddle points, and the 0-cells to the maxima. When M is a 3 -manifold,
the 3 -cells of a descending Morse 3 -complex correspond to the maxima, the 2 -cells to the 2 -
saddles the 1 -cells to the 1 -saddles, and the 0 -cells to the minima. Symmetrically, the 3 -cells
of the ascending Morse 3 -complex correspond to the minima, the 2 -cells to the 1 -saddles, the
1 -cells to the 2 -saddles, and the 0 -cells to the maxima.
e function f is a Morse-Smale function if the descending and ascending Morse com-
plexes intersect only transversally. ² In 2D, this means that, if an ascending 1-manifold intersects
a descending 1-manifold transversally, they cross at exactly one point. is condition implies that
the topological behavior of the images of the integral lines does not change under small pertur-
bations of the vector field [ 156 ].
In the case of Morse-Smale functions, the Morse-Smale complex is defined as the intersec-
tion of the ascending and descending manifolds. e cells of the Morse-Smale complex are the
D.p/Dfq2MW lim
¹In the mathematical literature, the term unstable is used instead of ascending, and the term stable is used instead of descending
[ 156 ].
²By definition, two submanifoldsAandBof a manifoldMintersect transversally inpifT p ACT p BDT p MwhereT p is
the tangent space atp.
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