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Actually, a stronger result holds in this case stating that M a and M b are diffeomorphic,
namely, there is a differentiable and invertible function between M a and M b , whose inverse is
also differentiable (see Figure 8.4 (b)).
Let p be a critical point of f with index and let f.p/Dc . en, for each " such
eorem 8.3
1 .c";cC"/ contains no critical points other than p , the set M cC" has the same homotopy
type of the set M c" with a -cell attached:
that f
M cC" M c" [ ' p e :
According to the definitions in section 7.1 , the attaching map ' p identifies each point x2
S 1 with the point ' p .x/2M c" (see Figure 8.4 (c)).
In order to study the changes in the level sets V t Df
1 .t/ , an approach to Morse theory
based on the attaching of handles [ 142 ], rather than cells, can be used, as in [ 89 ] for the case of
surfaces. When f is defined on a surface, if t is a regular value for f then V t , if not empty, is the
union of finitely many smooth circles. Moreover, if a;b are real numbers such that a < b , then
1. if the set f
1 .a;b/ contains no critical points for f , then V a and V b are diffeomorphic;
1 .a;b/ contains only one critical point of index 0 for f , then V b is the union
of V a with a circle;
2. if the set f
3. if the set f
1 .a;b/ contains only one critical point of index 2 for f , then V b is diffeomor-
phic to V a without one of its circles;
4. if the set f
1 .a;b/ contains only one critical point of index 1 for f , then the number
of connected components of V b differs from that of V a by 1 , 0 or 1 depending on the
attaching map.
In case (4), the difference in the number of connected components is non-zero if the handle (in
this case, the strip 0;10;1 ) is attached without twists (or with an even number of twists),
while it is 0 if there is an odd number of twists. e presence of an odd number of twists implies
that the surface is non-orientable. erefore, when the surface is embedded in R 3 , V a and V b
necessarily have a different number of connected components.
Morse theory asserts that changes in the topology of a manifold endowed with a Morse function
occur in the presence of critical points; since most manifolds can be triangulated as simplicial
complexes and a Morse function can be discretized on simplices, those changes in the topology
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