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Specifically, an element of H q .K/ is an equivalence class, called homology class , of homologous q -
cycles, i.e., cycles whose difference is a boundary. e homology H .K/ is a topological invariant
of K ; it is indeed an invariant of homotopy type.
e rank of H q .K/ is called the q - th Betti number of K , and it is a measurement of the
number of different holes in the space K . As an example, for three-dimensional data the three
Betti numbers 0 , 1 and 2 count the number of connected components, tunnels and voids,
respectively. e Betti numbers can be used to define a well-known topological invariant, the
Euler characteristic : .K/D
iD0 .1/ i i .K/ . rough the Euler characteristics it is possible to
provide an alternative definition of the genus of a closed surface (cf. the definition in chapter 3 )
through the relationship D22g , where g is the genus. For surfaces with b boundary com-
ponents, the relation becomes D22gb .
A simplicial map f between two simplicial complexes K and L (i.e., a function from the
set of vertices of K to the set of vertices of L such that the image of any simplex in K is a simplex
in L ) induces uniquely a set H .f / of homomorphisms between the homology groups:
H q .f /WH q .K/!H q .L/
for each degree q . e maps H q .f / satisfy two elementary properties: (i) the identity map id K W
K!K induces the identity map on homology; and (ii) the composition gf of two maps
corresponds to the composition H q .gf /DH q .g/H q .f / of the induced homomorphisms.
Betti numbers, homology groups and generators In case of a triangle mesh T the Euler charac-
teristics reduces to .T/DVECF , where V , E and T represent respectively the number of
vertices ( 0 -simplices), edges ( 1 -simplices) and faces ( 2 -simplices) of the triangulation T . ere-
fore, its computation is straightforward. A recent example of application of Euler characteristics
applied to the analysis and filtering of the seafloor has been proposed in [ 77 ].
More in general, there is a classical algorithm to compute the homology groups of an arbi-
trary simplicial complex (see Munkres [ 149 ]), based on reducing certain matrices to a canonical
form, called Smith normal form . Unfortunately, the reduction of a matrix to its Smith normal
form has a worst-case upper bound that is computationally prohibitive. To avoid the bottleneck
of its computation, Delfinado & Edelsbrunner [ 56 ] describe an algorithm that computes the Betti
numbers of a simplicial complex in R 3 . e intuition behind such an approach is to assemble the
complex incrementally simplex by simplex, and at each step update the Betti numbers of the cur-
rent complex. e algorithm runs optimally in time and space linear in the size of the complex.
For a triangulated surface of genus g , with a total of n simplices, a set of canonical generators
of the homology groups can be computed in time, which is optimal in the worst case [ 204 ].
Each of the g or 2g canonical generators is represented by a polygonal curve whose vertices
are on the 1 -skeleton, while the other points are in the interior of a 2 -simplex. A simple, yet
computationally efficient, algorithm is to remove iteratively simplices preserving at each step the
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