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[13] V. Barra and S. Biasotti. Learning kernels on Extended Reeb graphs for 3D shape clas-
sification and retrieval. In Proceedings of the Sixth Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object
Retrieval , 3DOR '13, pages 25-32, Aire-la-Ville, Switzerland, Switzerland, 2013. Euro-
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[14] M. Belkin, J. Sun, and Y. Wang. Discrete Laplace operator for meshed surfaces. In
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[15] H. Benhabiles, J.-P. Vandeborre, G. Lavoué, and M. Daoudi. A framework for the ob-
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[16] M. Berger, J. A. Levine, L. G. Nonato, G. Taubin, and C. T. Silva. A benchmark for
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[17] S. Biasotti. Topological coding of surfaces with boundary using Reeb graphs. Computer
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[18] S. Biasotti. Shape comparison through mutual distances of real functions. In Proceedings of
the ACM workshop on 3D object retrieval , 3DOR '10, pages 33-38, New York, NY, USA,
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[19] S. Biasotti, X. Bai, B. Bustos, A. Cerri, D. Giorgi, L. Li, M. Mortara, I. Sipiran, S. Zhang,
and M. Spagnuolo. Shrec'12 track: Stability on abstract shapes. In M. Spagnuolo,
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[20] S. Biasotti, A. Cerri, M. Abdelrahman, M. Aono, A. Ben Hamza, M. El-Melegy,
A. Farag, V. Garro, A. Giachetti, D. Giorgi, A. Godil, C. Li, Y.-J. Liu, H. Y. Martono,
C. Sanada, A. Tatsuma, S. Velasco-Forero, and C.-X. Xu. Shrec 2014 track: Retrieval
and Classification on Textured 3D Models. In B. Bustos, H. Tabia, J.-P. Vandeborre, and
R. Veltkamp, editors, 3DOR , pages 111-120, 2014. 89
[21] S. Biasotti, A. Cerri, P. Frosini, and D. Giorgi. A new algorithm for computing the
2-dimensional matching distance between size functions. Pattern Recognition Letters ,
7(32):1735-1746, 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2011.07.014 . 86
[22] S. Biasotti, A. Cerri, P. Frosini, D. Giorgi, and Landi C. Multidimensional size functions
for shape comparison. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision , 7(32):161-179, 2008.
DOI: 10.1007/s10851-008-0096-z . 86
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