Database Reference
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1. Washio, T., Motoda, H.: State of the art graph-based data mining. SIGKDD Ex-
plorations: Newsletter of the ACM Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery
& Data Mining 5 (1) (2003) 59-68
2. Kuramochi, M., Desphande, M., Karypis, G.: Mining Scientific Datasets Using
Graphs. In: Kargupta, H., Joshi, A., Sivakumar, K., and Yesha, Y. (eds): Next
Generation Data Mining. MIT/AAAI Press (2003) 315-334
3. Brieger, R.L.: The analysis of social networks. In: Hardy, M., Bryman, A. (eds):
Handbook of Data Analysis. SAGE Publications, London (2004) 505-526
4. Lusseau, D., Newman, M.E.J.: Identifying the role that individual animals play in
their social networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 271 (2004)
5. Luczkovich, J.J., Borgatti, S.P., Johnson, J.C., and Everett, M.G.: Defining and
measuring trophic role similarity in food webs using regular equivalence. Journal
of Theoretical Biology 220 (3) (2003) 303-321
6. Yook, S.-H., Oltavai, Z.N., and Barabasi, A.-L.: Functional and topological char-
acterization of protein interaction networks. Proteomics 4 (2004) 928-942
7. De Raedt, L., Kramer, S.: The level wise version space algorithm and its application
to molecular fragment finding. In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International
Joint Conference on Articial Intelligence. Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco (2001)
8. Comiso, J.: Bootstrap sea ice concentrations for NIMBUS-7, SMMR and DMSP
SSM/I. Boulder, CO, USA: National Snow and Ice Data Center (1999, updated
9. Global Biodiversity Information Facility,
10. Swayne, D.F., Buja, A., Temple Lang, D.: Exploratory visual analysis of graphs in
GGobi. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Distributed Statis-
tical Computing, Vienna (2003)
11. Adar,
12. Winter, A., Kullbach, B., Riediger, V.: An overview of the GXL graph exchange
language. In Diehl, S. (ed.): Software Visualization. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Vol. 2269. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (2002) 324-336
13. Shapiro, A.: Touchgraph.
14. Cook, D.J., Holder, L.B.: Graph-based data mining. IEEE Intelligent Systems
15 (2) (2000) 32-41
15. Kuramochi, M., Karypis, G.: Finding frequent patterns in a large sparse graph.
In: Berry, M.W., Dayal, U., Kamath, C., Skillicorn, D.B. (eds.): Proceedings of
the Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, Florida, USA. SIAM
16. Cortes, C., Pregibon, D., Volinsky, C.: Computational methods for dynamic graphs.
J. Computational and Graphical Statistics 12 (2003) 950-970
17. Inokuchi, A., Washio, T., Motoda, H.: Complete mining of frequent patterns from
graphs: mining graph data. Machine Learning 50 (2003) 321-354
18. Yan, X., Han, J.: CloseGraph: Mining closed frequent graph patterns. In: Getoor,
L., Senator, T.E., Domingos, P., Faloutsos, C. (eds.): Proceedings of the Ninth
ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Min-
ing, Washington, DC, USA. ACM (2003) 286-295
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