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Table 1. Algorithm for generating a random rule
1. Randomly select an example x from the training set.
2. Randomly select an attribute a for which the value of a for x ( a x )isnot unknown .
3. If a is categorical, form the rule IF a = a x THEN c ,where c is the most frequent
class in the cases covered by a = a x .
4. Otherwise (if
, where # is a random
selection between and and c is the most frequent class in the cases covered
by a # a x .
is ordinal), form the rule
IF a
a x THEN c
as well as whether they apply to the type of rule generated in standard machine
learning applications. We used rules generated by C4.5rules (release 8) [9], as an
exemplar of a machine learning system for classification rule generation.
One diculty with employing rules formed by C4.5rules is that the system
uses a complex resolution system to determine which of several rules should be
employed to classify a case covered by more than one rule. As this is taken into
account during the induction process, taking a rule at random and considering
it in isolation may not be representative of its application in practice. We de-
termined that the first listed rule was least affected by this process, and hence
employed it. However, this caused a diculty in that the first listed rule usually
covers few training cases and hence estimates of its likely test error can be ex-
pected to have low accuracy, reducing the likely strength of the effect predicted
by Hypothesis 2.
For this reason we also employed the C4.5rules rule with the highest cover on
the training set. We recognized that this would be unrepresentative of the rule's
actual deployment, as in practice cases that it covered would frequently be clas-
sified by the ruleset as belonging to other classes. Nonetheless, we believed that
it provided an interesting exemplar of a form of rule employed in data mining.
To explore the wider scope of the hypotheses we also generated random rules
using the algorithm in Table 1.
From the initial rule , formed by one of these three processes, we developed a
most specific rule . The most specific rule was created by collecting all training
cases covered by the initial rule and then forming the most specific rule that
covered those cases. For a categorical attribute
this rule included a clause
a ∈ X
is the set of values for the attribute of cases in the random
selection. For ordinal attributes, the rule included a clause of the form
x ≤ a ≤ z
is the lowest value and
the highest value for the attribute in the random
Next we found the set of all most general rules —those rules
formed by
deleting clauses from the most specific rule
such that
and there is no rule
that can be formed by deleting a clause from
such that
). The search for the set of most general rules was performed
using the OPUS complete search algorithm [10].
Then we formed the:
Random Most General Rule: a single rule selected at random from the most
general rules.
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