Digital Signal Processing Reference
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Programmbeispiel 6-1 Audiosignal, DFT-Spektrum und Spektrogramm
% Spectral analysis of audio signal
% dsplab6_1.m * mw * 04/10/2008
[y,fs,bits] = wavread('speech');
% load audio signal
% sound
%% Graphics
t = 0:length(y)-1; t = t/fs;
% time scale
figure('Name','dsplab6_1 : Audio signal "telecommunications
laboratory" ','NumberTitle','off');
plot(t,y), grid
xlabel('{\itt} in s \rightarrow')
ylabel('{\ity}({\itt}) \rightarrow')
%% Spetral analysis - short term
y = y(1:fs);
% curtail signal to 1 second
M = 512;
% fft length
w = hamming(M);
% Hamming window
OL = 0.5;
% 50% overlap of the fft blocks
NY = floor(length(y)/(M*(1-OL)));
% number of dft spectra
MY = M/4;
% number of dft coefficients per dft spectrum
Y = zeros(NY,MY);
start = 1; stop = start + M - 1; k = 0;
while stop<=length(y)
k = k + 1;
YY = fft(w.*y(start:stop))';
Y(k,:) = abs(YY(1:MY));
start = start + M*(1-OL);
stop = start + M - 1;
% Graphics
figure('Name','dsplab6_1 : Waterfall diagram
Y = Y/max(max(Y));
t = 1:NY; t = t*(M*(1-OL))/fs;
% time scale
f = 0:1:M/4-1; f = fs*f/M;
% frequency scale
xlabel('{\itf} in Hz \rightarrow'), ylabel('{\itt} in s
zlabel('Magnitudes of short term dft spectra \rightarrow')
%% MATLAB built-in spectrogram
figure('Name','dsplab6_1 : Spectrogram
Zum Thema Spektrogramm gibt es ein MATLAB-Demoprogramm in der Signal
Processing Toolbox mit grafischer Benutzerschnittstelle. Der Aufruf ohne Parameter
specgramdemo liefert das Beispiel in Bild 6-6. Menüleiste und Eingabefenster er-
möglichen eine interaktive Bedienung des Demoprogramms.
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