Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Herein are two chronologies of travel: (1) a chronology of ancient migrations, early explorers, and great
travelers, and (2) a chronology of travel arrangers of their business and their suppliers. The selected
travelers and explorers not only made remarkably long and arduous journeys to little-known (and
often mistaken) places, but also wrote vivid descriptions or had scribes write for them. They faced
sometimes unbelievably dif cult, often dangerous, and occasionally fatal hardships.
The comfortable and pleasant (even sometimes inspiring) traveling facilities of today are truly a
tribute to the development of modern technology, design, and engineering.
Chronology of Ancient Migrations, Early Explorers, and Great Travelers
1 million years ago
Homo erectus originates in eastern and southern Africa; makes extensive migrations north to
the Middle East and to Asia.
350,000 years ago
Early Homo sapiens evolves from H. erectus; dwells in Africa, Europe, and Asia.
50,000 - 30,000 years ago
Anatomically modern man, H. sapiens, evolves and expands into Australia from southeastern
Asia and into northeastern Asia.
15,000 years ago
Upper Paleolithic people cross into northern latitudes of the New World from northeast Asia
on a land bridge.
B . C . E .
Sumerians (Mesopotamia, Babylonia) invent money, cuneiform writing, and the wheel; also,
the concept of a tour guide.
2000 - 332
Phoenicians begin maritime trading and navigating over the entire Mediterranean Sea area.
They may possibly have sailed as far as the British Isles and probably along the coast of
western Africa and to the Azores.
1501 - 1481
Queen Hatshepsut makes the journey from Egypt to the land of Punt, believed to be an area
along the eastern coast of Africa.
336 - 323
Alexander the Great leads his army from Greece into Asia, crossing the Hindu Kush
mountains (Afghanistan
Kashmir area), and to the Indus River.
C . E .
Polynesians from the Society Islands sail to Hawaii, a distance of over 2,000 miles.
800 - 1100
Vikings establish trade and explore Iceland, Greenland, and the coast of North America.
1271 - 1295
Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant, travels to Persia, Tibet, the Gobi Desert, Burma, Siam,
Java, Sumatra, India, Ceylon, the Siberian Arctic, and other places.
1325 - 1354
Ibn Battuwtah, the
a Moroccan, makes six pilgrimages to Mecca; also
visits India, China, Spain, and Timbuktu in Africa.
Marco Polo of Islam,
1492 - 1502
Christopher Columbus explores the New World, including the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica,
Central America, and the northern coast of South America.
John Cabot, an Italian navigator, sailing from Bristol, England, discovers North America at a
point now known as Nova Scotia.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa, a Spanish explorer, discovers the Paci c Ocean.
Ferdinand Magellan sails west from Spain to circumnavigate the globe. He is killed in the
Philippines, but some of his crew complete the circumnavigation.
1540 - 1541
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado, a Spanish explorer, seeks gold, silver, and precious jewels
(without success) in what is now Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and other areas of
the American Southwest.
Bartholomew Gosnold, English explorer and colonizer, navigates the eastern coast of the
(now) United States from Maine to Narragansett Bay; discovers and names Cape Cod. In
1606, his ship carries some of the first settlers to Virginia.
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