Travel Reference
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Selected References E
Chapter 1
Brown, F. Tourism Reassessed: Blight or Blessing? Oxford, UK:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 1998.
Cook, Roy, Laura Yale, and Joseph Marqua. Tourism: The Business of
Travel. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2010.
Cooper, C., J. Fletcher, D. Gilbert, R. Shepherd, and S. Wanhill (eds.).
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Degg, Richard (ed.). Leisure, Recreation, and Tourism Abstracts,
quarterly. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: CAB International.
Khan, Mahmood, Michael Olsen, and Turgut Var (eds.). VNR
United States Travel Association. Tourism Works for America.
Washington, DC: USTA, annual.
Wall, Geoffrey, and Alister Mathieson. Tourism: Changes, Impacts,
and Opportunities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2006.
Woodside, Arch G., and Drew Martin. Tourism Management.
Oxfordshire, UK: CABI Publishing, 2007.
Young, George. Tourism: Blessing or Blight? Baltimore: Penguin
Books, 1973.
Chapter 2
Aramberri, Julio. Modern Mass Tourism. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group
Publishing, 2010.
Belasco, Warren James. Americans on the Road: From Autocamp to
Motel, 1910
Encyclopedia of Hospitality and Tourism. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.
Krippendorf, Jost. The Holiday Makers. London: Butterworth-
Heinemann, 1989.
Leiper, Neil.
1945. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1979.
Burkart, A. J., and S. Medlik. Historical Development of Tourism.Aix-en-
Provence, France: Centre des Hautes Studes Touristiques, 1990.
Butler, Richard, and R. Russel. Giants of Tourism. Oxfordshire, UK:
CABI Publishing, 2010.
Casson, Lionel. Travel in the Ancient World. London: Allen and
Unwin, 1974.
Cooper, Chris. Classic Reviews in Tourism. Clevedon, UK: Channel
View Publications, 2003.
Evans, Michael R.
The Framework of Tourism: Towards a De nition of
Tourism, Tourist, and the Tourism Industry.
Annals of Tourism
Research, vol. 6, no. 4 (October-December 1979), pp. 390
Mill, Robert Christie, and Alastair M. Morrison. The Tourism System,
6th ed. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 2009.
Moutinho, L. Strategic Management in Tourism. Oxfordshire, UK:
CABI Publishing, 2011.
Page, Stephen J., and Joanne Connell. Tourism: A Modern Synthesis,
2d ed. London: Thompson Learning, 2006.
Pearce, Philip, Sebastian Filep, and Glenn Ross. Tourist, Tourism and
the Good Life. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2010.
Richardson, John I., and Martin Fluker. Understanding and Managing
Tourism. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia,
Smith, Stephen L. J.
Newport, Rhode Island
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Lessons in Sustainable Tourism.
Journal of Travel Research,
Fagan, Brian M. The Great Journey: The Peopling of Ancient America.
New York: Thames and Hudson, 1987.
Friedhiem, Eric. Travel Agents: From Caravans and Clippers to the
Concorde. New York: Travel Agent Magazine Books, 1992.
Gee, Chuck Y., and Matt Lurie (eds.). The Story of the Paci c Asia
Travel Association. San Francisco: Paci c Asia Travel
Association, 1993.
Jakle, John A. The Tourist: Travel in Twentieth-Century North
America. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985.
vol. 36, no. 2 (Fall 1997), pp. 63
De ning Tourism: A Supply-Side View.
Tribe, John. Strategy for Tourism. Oxon, UK: Goodfellow Publishers,
Tribe, John. Philosophical Issues in Tourism. Bristol, UK: Channel
View Publications, 2009.
Turner, Louis, and John Ash. The Golden Hordes. London:
Constable, 1975.
United Nations World Tourism Organization. Compendium of
Tourism Statistics. Madrid: UNWTO, 2009.
United Nations World Tourism Organization. Yearbook of Tourism
Statistics. Madrid: UNWTO, 2009.
United Nations World Tourism Organization. Tourism in a
Globalized Society. Madrid: UNWTO, 2003.
United Nations World TourismOrganization. Thesaurus on Tourism
and Leisure Activities. Madrid: UNWTO, 2001.
United Nations World Tourism Organization. Concepts, De nitions,
and Classi cations for Tourism Statistics. Madrid: UNWTO, 1995.
United Nations World Tourism Organization. Implications of the
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Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 15, no. 2 (1998), pp. 179
Gorman, Kevin. The Origins of Hospitality and Tourism. Oxon, UK:
Goodfellow Publishers, 2010.
Rae, W. Fraser. The Business of Travel: A Fifty Years
Record of
Progress. London: Thomas Cook and Son, 1891.
Robinson, H. A Geography of Tourism. London: Macdonald and
Evans, 1976.
Rugoff, Milton. The Great Travelers. New York: Simon and Schuster,
Shaw, Steve. The Delicious History of the Holiday. London:
Routledge, 2000.
Smith, Stephen L. J. The Discovery of Tourism. Bingley, UK: Emerald
Group Publishing, 2010.
So eld, Trevor, and Sarah Li.
Tourism Development and Cultural
Policies in China.
Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 25, no. 2
(1998), pp. 362
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