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TABLE 20.2 Global Forces (Mega Drivers) that will Influence Tourism in the Third Millennium
Mega Drivers
Mega driver 1
A world of changing values
Mega driver 2
Living with uncertainty and fear
Mega driver 3
The dichotomy between rich and poor
Mega driver 4
The power of USA in the world
Mega driver 5
The power of the Asian block in the world
Mega driver 6
The power of EU in the world
Mega driver 7
A changing business world
Mega driver 8
The global/local society
Mega driver 9
The relationship between people and governments
Mega driver 10
Mega driver 11
Physical access: Transport of people and goods
Mega driver 12
Access to knowledge
Mega driver 13
Changing labor and demographics
Mega driver 14
Mega driver 15
The environment, natural resources, and climate
Mega driver 16
Basic Human Need
Mega driver 17
New technologies
Source: Ian Yeoman with the Future Foundation, Tomorrow's Tourists: Scenarios and Trends, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2008).
in uences (or what Yeoman has de ned as mega drivers
see Table 20.2), will signi cantly alter the
nature and shape of tourism in the coming years and decades. 6 These in uences will present tourism
managers with a number of new realities to overcome or adapt to. At the same time, they will also
present new horizons that open up many new opportunities for growth and enhancement of the
tourism experience. The speci c forces that in uence tourism are, of course, constantly changing.
Some of the most in uential for the present and into the foreseeable future are discussed next.
While all these mega drivers will in uence the future of tourism, there are certain of them that will
be particularly important for tourism
and in addition, there will be a number of changes that we
should seek to understand in greater depth, as they involve changes that are fundamental to the well-
being of the tourism sector.
Despite the current economic situation, tourism can optimistically anticipate continued moderate-to-
good overall rates of global economic growth of the traditional economies, but with a special
importance for certain emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, and Russia. History
may very well prove us wrong in the longer term, but in the foreseeable future, it is expected that
competitive economic forces will continue to triumph over ideologies. Over the past several decades,
we have seen throughout the world the emergence of what appear to be overpowering pressures to
adopt the model of the market economy.
As part of another model, we have seen movements toward deregulation, privatization, regional
economic integration, and toward a greater role for the global, or transnational, corporation. Whether
these movements represent temporary change or a lasting restructuring of our economic system
remains to be seen. However, for the moment, the direction of the tide is unquestionable.
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