Travel Reference
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Tropical island resorts
require good planning to
integrate facilities and
protect the environment.
Furthermore, too many visitors can have a harmful impact on life in the host country and on the
visitors themselves. A beautiful landscape can suffer through thoughtless and unwise land
development and construction methods. And customers and crafts can be vulgarized by over-
emphasis on quantity and cheapness. These responsibilities cannot really be blamed on tourism, but
rather on overcommercialization. Tourism is one of the world
is greatest and most signi cant social
and economic forces. But government of cials and businesspeople must weigh the economic
bene ts against the possible future degradation of human and natural resources.
Tourism development must be guided by carefully planned policy, a policy built not on balance
sheets and pro t and loss statements alone, but on the ideals and principles of human welfare and
happiness. Social problems cannot be solved without a strong and growing economy that tourism can
help to create. Sound development policy can have the happy result of a growing tourist business, along
with the
of the natural and cultural resources that attracted the visitors in the first place.
Planning is critical to having sustainable development and protecting the environment. For that
reason, the next chapter has been devoted to tourism and the environment to expand the discussion
on how to have development and, hopefully, both protect and enhance the environment.
Viewed comprehensively, the relationship between tourism and the community, state, regions, and
countries requires consideration of many dif cult issues: the quality of architecture, landscape, and
environmental design; environmental reclamation and amenity; natural conservation; land-use
management; financial strategies for long-term economic development; employment; transportation;
energy conservation; education, information, and interpretation systems; and more.
These are the reasons why sound tourism planning is essential. Planning can ensure that tourist
development has the ability to realize the advantages of tourism and reduce the disadvantages.
Proper planning of the physical, legal, promotional, financial, economic, market, management,
social, and environmental aspects will help to deliver the bene ts of tourism development
and it
can be carried out much more effectively when fully integrated with the process of policy formulation.
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