Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
& Minimum wage policy
can affect labor markets
& Welfare policy
can in uence nature and behavior of workforce
Education policy
can affect quality of workforce
Cultural policy—can affect preservation and promotion of national heritage
Foreign investment policy/regulations
can affect availability of investment capital
can restrict or encourage tourism facility development
& National/provincial/local policy pertaining to funding support for major public facilities (e.g.,
stadiums, convention centers, museums, parks)
Local zoning policy/bylaws
can drastically affect destination attractiveness
Infrastructure policy
can make destination safer for visitors, or restrict resident travel to foreign
Currency/exchange-rate policies
directly affect destination cost competitiveness
Legal system
determines consumer/visitor protection legislation (e.g., liability for failing to deliver
advertised facilities/tours/experiences)
To summarize, a whole range of social, economic, legal, and technological policies greatly affects
the appeal, attractiveness, competitiveness, and sustainability of a tourism destination. Some are
under the control of the tourism sector (such as visitor satisfaction, guarantee policy, truth-in-
advertising policy), but most are not. Thus, the challenge facing tourismmanagers is to try to in uence
global policies where they can, and adapt to them as effectively as possible where they cannot.
The Many In uences on Tourism Policy
As stressed earlier, tourism does not exist in a vacuum. It can function smoothly only if it shares,
cooperates, and dialogues effectively with many other sectors of society and of the economy
(Figure 15.4). Many of these sectors have little understanding of, or explicit interest in, tourism
in the region
unless, of course, visitor activity somehow appears to detract from the functioning or
Legal/Political Players
Environmental Movement
Technology Sector
Entertainment Industry
Health Services Sector
Financial Sector
Resource Extraction
Education Sector
Transportation Industries
and Infrastructure
Other Interfaces:
￿ Manufacturing
￿ International Relations
￿ Agriculture Sector
Figure 15.4
Tourism: Some of its
multiple interfaces with other sectors
of the economy and society.
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