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A Grunt file is then needed to create a custom task. This contains all the configuration for
the task to be completed and is always saved as Gruntfile.js. The following example shows
a Grunt file that can be used to create a default task; this will minify any JavaScript files in
the src folder and output the minified files into the js folder.
It uses the uglify plugin to minify the code. All Grunt files are placed inside a wrapper
function that uses the CommonJS Module exports syntax:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// configuration goes at the start
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
uglify: {
build: {
src: 'src/*.js', // where to find the JavaScript
files to
dest: 'js/' // where to put the minified files
// These methods will load and register the tasks to do
grunt.registerTask('default', ['uglify']);
To run the default task, simply enter the following command in a terminal:
Gulp i s another task runner that appeared more recently than Grunt, but is gaining in pop-
ularity. gulp also requires Node.js to run and is installed using npm. It also has its own plu-
gin system, although there are fewer plugins available than for Grunt.
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