Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The audio and video elements bring native support for multimedia into the browser, and the
API gives developers full control of the playback of audio tracks and video clips. You can
learn much more about handling multimedia in HTML5 by reading Jump Start HTML5:
Multimedia by Tiffany Brown.
Other APIs
The list of APIs is constantly growing, and include APIs for accessing a device's camera,
using WebSockets for multiple simultaneous connections, uploading files, accessing the
battery status, handling push notifications, building drag and drop functionality, creating
3D effects with WebGL, and many more! A comprehensive list of HTML5 APIs can be
found at the Mozilla Developer Network .
You can also read more about HTML5 standards and APIs in these SitePoint topics:
Jump Start HTML5 by Tiffany Brown, Kerry Butters, and Sandeep Panda
HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World by Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris, and Es-
telle Weyl
Jump Start HTML5: APIs by Sandeep Panda
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