Java Reference
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Error Objects
An error object can be created by the host environment when an exception occurs, or it
can be created in the code using a constructor function, like so:
var error = new Error();
This constructor function takes a parameter that's used as the error message:
error = new Error("Oops, something went wrong");
There are six more error objects used for specific errors:
EvalError is not used in the current ECMAScript specification and only retained
for backwards compatibility. It was used to identify errors when using the global
eval() function.
RangeError is thrown when a number is outside an allowable range of values.
ReferenceError is thrown when a reference is made to an item that doesn't ex-
ist. For example, try calling the function unicorn() in the console (assuming you
haven't defined a function called unicorn() ).
SyntaxError is thrown when there's an error in the code's syntax.
TypeError is thrown when there's an error in the type of value used; for example,
a string is used when a number is expected.
URIError is thrown when there's a problem encoding or decoding the URI.
These error functions can also be used as constructors to create custom error objects:
error = new TypeError("You need to use numbers in this
All error objects have a number of properties, but they are often used inconsistently across
browsers. The only properties that are generally safe to use are:
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