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And last of all we'll need a js folder that contains a file called scripts.js. In this file, let's
start off by assigning the form to a variable and then adding an event listener for when the
form is submitted:
var form = document.forms.hero;
form.addEventListener("submit", makeHero, false);
The event listener will call the makeHero() function when the form is submitted. In this
function, we want to create an object from the information provided in the form. Let's im-
plement that function by adding this code to scripts.js:
function makeHero(event) {
event.preventDefault(); // prevent the form from being
var hero = {}; // create an empty object =; // create a name property
based on
the input field's value
alert(JSON.stringify(hero)); // convert object to JSON
string and
display in alert dialog
This function uses the event.preventDefault() method to stop the form from be-
ing submitted. We then create a local variable called hero and assign it to an empty object
literal. We'll then augment this object with properties from the form, although we only have
the name property at the moment. Once the hero object is created, it could be returned by
the function and then used in the rest of the program. Since this is just for demonstration
purposes, we simple use the JSON.stringify() method to convert the hero object
into a JSON string and then display it in an alert dialog.
Open up hero.htm in a browser and enter the name of a superhero and you should see a
screenshot similar to Figure 8.4 .
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