Java Reference
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for (var i=0 ; i < document.images.length ; i++)
// do something with each image using
Node lists don't have any other array methods such as slice , splice ,
and join .
Getting an Element by Its ID
The getElementById() method does exactly what it says on the tin. It returns a refer-
ence to the element with a unique id attribute that is given as an argument. For example,
we can get a reference to the h1 element with the id of ' title ' in the dom.htm page by
writing this in the console:
title = document.getElementById('title');
<< <h1 id="title">
Every id attribute should be unique to just one element, so this method will return a refer-
ence to that element. For this reason, it's a very quick way of finding elements in a docu-
ment. It is also supported in all the major browsers.
If no element exists with the given ID, null is returned.
Get Elements by Their Tag Name
getElementsByTagName() will return a live node list of all the elements with the tag
name that is provided as an argument. For example, we can get all the paragraphs in the
document using this code:
paragraphs = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
<< HTMLCollection [ <p.swim>, <p#bike>, <p> ]
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