Java Reference
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Regular Expression Properties
Regular expressions are objects and have the following properties:
• The global property makes the pattern return all matches. By default, the pattern
only looks for the first occurrence of a match.
• The ignoreCase property makes the pattern case-insensitive. By default, they
are case sensitive.
• The multiline property makes the pattern multiline. By default, a pattern will
stop at the end of a line.
The following flags can be placed after a regular expression literal to change the default
g sets the global property to true
i sets the ignoreCase property to true
m sets the multiline property to true
For example, the following regular expression will match " JavaScript " or " javas-
cript " because the ignoreCase property is set to true :
var pattern = /java/i
<< undefined
<< true
These properties can be checked using the dot notation, but cannot be updated once the
regular expression has been created, as can be seen in the following example:
var pattern = /java/i
<< undefined
pattern.ignoreCase // checking it is true
<< true
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