Java Reference
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console.log("n is an odd number");
This uses the % operator that we met in the last chapter to check the remainder when divid-
ing the variable n by 2. All even numbers leave no remainder when divided by 2, so we
can test to see if n%2 is equal to zero; if it is, n must be even. If n is not even, then it must
be odd.
Try running the code with different values of n , to check that it works.
Ternary Operator
A shorthand way of writing an if ... else statement is to use the ternary operator, ? ,
which takes three operands in the following format:
condition ? (code to run if condition is true) : (code to
run if
condition isn't true)
Here's the example for testing if the variable n is odd or even, rewritten to use the ternary
n = 5;
n%2 === 0 ? console.log("n is an even number") :
console.log("n is
an odd number");
<< n is an odd number
The ternary operator can make your code more succinct, but can also make it difficult to
read, so be careful when you use it.
switch Statements
You can actually string lots of if and else statements together to make a logical decision
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