Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this section we will begin to look at logical conditions that allow you to control the flow
of a program.
if Statements
An if looks like the following:
if (condition) {
code to run if condition is true
The code inside the block will only run if the condition is true. If the condition is not a
Boolean value, it will be converted to a Boolean, depending on whether or not it is truthy or
falsy (see Chapter 2 ).
Here is an example that will only display the alert message if the value of the age variable
is less than 18:
var age = 23;
if (age<18) {
alert("Sorry, you are not old enough to play this game");
Try changing the value of the age variable to a value below 18 as it does in this code, and
the alert box will show as in Figure 3.7 :
var age = 12;
if (age < 18) {
alert("Sorry, you are not old enough to play this game");
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