Cryptography Reference
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The encryption C 0 consists of four rounds as depicted in Fig. 3.4: the message
block (key block) is permuted into a sequence x 0 , ...,
x 15 following a permutation
which depends on the round number, and every of the four input words is sequentially
transformed through a generalized four-branch Feistel scheme. Each transformation is
defined by a box with a main input a , a key input x , and three side inputs b , c , and d
as shown in Fig. 3.5.
The output of the transformation box is
ROTL α i , j ( a
f i ( b
d )
k i , j )
α i , j and k i , j are defined by a table, ROTL is the bitwise rotation to the left (by
a number of position specified as a superscript), and f i is a bitwise Boolean function
defined by
f 1 ( b
d )
if b then c else d
f 2 ( b
d )
if d then b else c
f 3 ( b
d )
b XOR c XOR d
f 4 ( b
d )
c XOR ( b AND (NOT d ))
where the “if...then...else” function is defined by
if b then c else d
( b AND c ) OR ((NOT b ) AND d )
3.1.5 Examples of SHA and SHA-1
SHA is another famous cryptographic hash function example. SHA stands for “Secure
Hash Algorithm”. It was published by the US Government as the FIPS 180 standard
(Ref. [15]) in 1993. It is based on MD5 and is mainly used in digital signature schemes. It
hashes onto 160 bits and uses the Merkle-Damgard construction from a 160
160 compression function. The original version was replaced by a slightly different
one, SHA-1, in 1995 (see the FIPS 180-1 standard, Ref. [16], which is now superseded
by the FIPS 180-2 standard, Ref. [17]). There was no justification for this replace-
ment (just a mention about security problems). However, Florent Chabaud and Antoine
Joux, from the French Department of Defense, publicly raised a weakness of the orig-
inal SHA which seemed to have disappeared in SHA-1 (see Ref. [43]). Antoine Joux
later announced to have found a collision on the original SHA. 2 As for MD5, the
compression functions of SHA and SHA-1 are made from an “encryption function”
by the Davies-Meyer scheme: given an “encryption function” C 0 which maps 160-bit
value H
( A
E ) and a 512-bit key block B
( x 0 ,...,
x 15 ) into a 160-bit
The collision was announced at the CRYPTO'04 conference, surprisingly at the same time that a collision
on MD5 was found.
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