Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
2.2.5 Counter Mode (CTR)
The plaintext x is split into
x n , and the ciphertext y is the concate-
nation of blocks which are obtained iteratively. We use a sequence t 1 ,...,
-bit blocks x 1 ,...,
t n of counters
and the encryption is performed by
y i =
x i
truncL ( C ( t i ))
For a given key, all counters must be pairwise different. For this we can, for instance,
let t i be equal to the binary representation of t 1 +
1) so that each t i “counts” the
block sequence. The initial counter t 1 can either be equal to the latest used counter
value stepped by one unit or include a nonce which is specific to the plaintext. In the
latter case nonces must be pairwise different.
( i
In Fig. 2.11 the CTR mode with
set to the block length of C is depicted.
Multiple Encryption
DES relies on a secret key of 56 effective bits, which is rather short. To
strengthen its security, people suggested to use multiple DES encryption with several
2.3.1 Double Mode
A first proposal was to use a double mode following the regular product cipher:
C k 1
C k 2
One security problem is that we may face meet-in-the-middle attacks (see Section 2.9.5).
For this reason double modes are not recommended.
x 1
x 2
x 3
x n
t 1
t 2
t 3
t n
y 1
y 2
y 3
y n
Figure 2.11. CTR mode with set to the block length.
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