Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
K 1
K 2
K 3
Figure 2.2. Function ( F K 1
, F K 2
, F K 3 ).
is XORed to the other part. We obtain two parts which are then exchanged (except in
the final round). The round function uses subkeys derived from a secret key.
This elementary process is iterated, and the number of round function applications
is called the number of rounds. We usually denote
F r ) the permutation ob-
tained from an r -round Feistel scheme in which the round functions are F 1 ,...,
( F 1 ,...,
F r . All
F i may come from a single function F with a parameter K i defined by a subkey. We de-
note F i =
F K i . Fig. 2.2 illustrates a 3-round Feistel scheme. DES consists of 16 rounds.
More precisely, DES starts by a bit permutation IP, performs the Feistel cipher
using subkeys generated by a key schedule, and finally performs the inverse of the IP
permutation. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.
K 1
K 2
K 16
IP 1
Figure 2.3. DES architecture.
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