Cryptography Reference
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A natural question now is: Is any set of subsets with the monotonicity property
an access structure for a perfect secret sharing scheme? This question is addressed in
Section 11.2.4.
Before continuing we define the notion of access structure spanned by a given set
of subsets. Given a set of subsets
0 , we define
= 0
as the set of all supersets of
any set in
0 . This clearly has the monotonicity property. It is also clearly the smallest
set of subsets with the monotonicity property which includes
0 . For this reason we
say that
is spanned by
0 .
The Benaloh-Leichter Secret Sharing Scheme
The Benaloh-Leichter secret sharing scheme enables the construction of a perfect secret
sharing scheme for any access structure with a monotonicity property (see Ref. [27]).
It works as follows.
1. Given an access structure
with the monotonicity property, we first express
as an algebraic expression with only
operations from all
i access
structures defined as follows:
i is the set of all participant subsets which include
the i -th participant. In other words,
2. To each subexpression we recursively attach variables in a top-down way:
if X is attached to some subexpression t
i ={
t , we attach X to both t and
t ,
if X is attached to some subexpression t
t , we attach a new random variable
Y to t .
3. For each participant i we collect all variables attached to occurrences of
Y to t and X
i , and
we define them as the share of the participant.
We have the following result.
Theorem 11.3. The above construction builds a perfect secret sharing scheme of ac-
cess structure
As an example, let us define a perfect secret sharing scheme among a set of four
participants P 1 ,
P 2 ,
P 3 ,
P 4 such that
P 1 and P 2 can reconstruct the secret,
P 1 and P 3 can reconstruct the secret,
P 2 , P 3 , and P 4 can reconstruct the secret.
Clearly, the access structure expresses into
1 2 )
1 3 ))
2 3 )
4 )
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