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t 2
s 2 . Obviously, t
and s
is one such solution, and we notice
t 2
s 2 ,wehave n
that s is small when p
q . Conversely, if n
( t
s )( t
s ),
n + 1
which factorizes n unless t
. But in this case, s is not small at all
since s
2 . The algorithm works as follows: we try all possible t values starting
until t 2
n is a perfect square s 2 . The complexity is
( p
q ) arithmetic
The Fermat method is important because of the following observation: if we happen
to find s and t such that s 2
t 2 (mod n ) and s
t (mod n ), then gcd( s
n )isa
nontrivial factor of n : we notice that ( s
t )( s
t ) is a multiple of n . So if gcd( s
n )
1, it means that s
t is a multiple of n in which case we have s
t (mod n ),
but this is not the case. If gcd( s
n )
n ,wehave s
t (mod n ), but this is not the
case either. Hence, gcd( s
n ) is a proper factor of n . So we can try to factorize n by
looking for nontrivial s 2
t 2 (mod n ) relations.
Modern methods use factor bases . A factor base is a set B of numbers p 1 ,...,
p r .
We say that a number b is a B -number if it can be factorized into a product of numbers
which are all in B . This factorization is assumed to be easy to perform. The goal of
factor base methods is to get several B -numbers a 2
mod n . We obtain several relations
p α i , 1
p α i , r
a i
mod n
. Once we get a little more than r equations, we consider the
vectors A i =
α i , 1 ,...,α i , r ). Since we have a little more than r vectors of r coordinates,
they must be linearly dependent modulo 2. Hence we obtain a linear combination
i I A i , the coefficients of which are all even. Therefore i I a i 2 is congruent to a
perfect square B -number. This relationship is likely to be a nontrivial s 2
t 2 (mod n )
relation which leads to a nontrivial factor of n . It is important to emphasize the three
phases of this method:
p α i , r (mod n ) relations,
2. solve a linear system in GF(2) in order to get an even linear combination of
p α i , 1
1. get several a i
α i , 1 ,...,α i , r ) vectors,
3. from the corresponding s 2
t 2 (mod n ) relation, get a nontrivial factor of n .
The way the first step is done highly depends on the factorization method.
The Quadratic Sieve
The Quadratic sieve is a factor base method. Let m be the integer part of n . We pick
at random A
m , where X is a small integer. We notice that A 2
X 2
2 mX
m , the most important term in this sum is 2 mX which is
approximately 2 X n . So this is relatively small when compared to n . In particular we
may have A 2
m 2
n . Wh e n X
A 2
n . Assuming that A 2
mod n
n is b -smooth (namely all prime
factors p are lesser than b ), we can factorize A 2
n with the factor base which consists
1 and all prime numbers lesser than b .(
1 is necessary in order to factorize negative
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