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Proving converse result is a bit more technical. We assume that n is such that
p α 1 ×···×
b n 1
p α r r be the factorization of n
where the p i 's are pairwise different prime numbers. We use two lemmata.
Z n . Let n
(mod n ) for any b
Lemma 7.2. Let G be a group of order n. If p is a prime factor of n, there exists an
element of order p in G.
Lemma 7.3. Given a finite group G, we call exponent of G the smallest integer
that x µ =
1 for all x
G. The exponent is equal to the lcm of all element orders in G.
If n is such that x n
1 for all x
G, then
must be a factor of n.
From this we infer that the exponent and the group order have exactly the same prime
factors. In our case, G is Z n (whose order is
( n )) and b n 1
(mod n ) for all
G , and thus all prime factors of
( n ) are factors of n
1. If for some i we had
α i >
1, then p i would be a factor of
( n ), and therefore a factor of n
1 as well. But
a p i cannot simultaneously be a factor of n and n
1. Therefore we have that
α i =
for all i .
We know from the Chinese Remainder Theorem that Z n
is isomorphic to Z p 1
Z p r . Since Z p i
is a cyclic subgroup of order p i
1, there must be an element
b of order p i
1, but b n 1
1 (mod n ) implies that p i
1 is a factor of n
1 for
any i .
Proof (Lemma 7.2). We prove this by induction on the order of G . This is trivial when
the order is 1. If x is an element of G of order k
1, we first assume that p is not a
factor of k . x generates a subgroup H of G of order k , and G
H is a group of order
n . Since this is a factor of p , there must be an element yH of order p . It is then
easy to see that the order of y must be a multiple of p . This shows that we must have
an element x of G of order multiple of p . It is then easy to see that x p is of order
p .
for which x µ =
Proof (Lemma 7.3). Let H be the set of all integers
G .
It is quite easy to notice that H is a subgroup of Z : it is not empty (it contains the
order of G ), it is stable with respect to addition and subtraction. Due to a structure
property 1
1 for all x
of Z , H must be generated by a single integer
which is the exponent of
G .
We also prove by induction that we can compute the smallest integral power which
makes all elements of a subset A vanish by computing the lcm of the orders of all
elements in A .
When considering the smallest nonnegative element µ of H , we can prove that µ spans the whole subgroup
H : clearly, all elements spanned by µ are in H ; conversely, if x H , the Euclidean division x = q µ + r
of x by µ tells us that r = x q µ is in H as well and 0 r , but since µ is the smallest nonnegative
element of H , then we must have r = 0, which means that x = q µ is spanned by µ .
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