Cryptography Reference
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We can check that 18 mod 5
3 and 18 mod 7
This theorem can be used to compute exponentiation in Z mn faster. Since Z mn
is isomorphic to the Z m ×
Z n product structure, instead of computing a e
mod mn ,
we can compute a e
mod m and a e
mod n which gives a e
Z n . Then we can
use the Chinese Remainder Theorem to recover a e mod mn . Since the complexity of
exponentiation is cubic in the size of the modulus, assuming that m and n are half of
the size of mn , exponentiation in Z m costs 1
in Z m ×
8 of the exponentiation price in Z mn ,
as well as exponentiation in Z n . Since applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem is
quadratic, we speed up the exponentiation by a factor of 4. This method needs however
to use the factorization of mn , which is not always available as we will see in the next
For instance, if we want to compute 2 23 mod 35, we first compute 2 23 mod 5 and
2 23 mod 7. For 2 23 mod 5, we notice that Z 5 has a cardinality of 4 since Z 5 is a field
(see Section 6.3). Hence the Lagrange theorem implies that 2 4
mod 5
1. We can
3, and obtain 2 23
2 3
reduce 23 modulo 4, by 23
mod 5
mod 5. It is
now easy to compute 2 3
mod 5 which gives 2 23
3. Similarly, 2 23
mod 5
mod 7
2 5
4. Now we apply the Chinese Remainder Theorem for computing f 1 (3
mod 7
and obtain that 2 23
18. If we apply the algorithm of Fig. 6.6, we ob-
tain the following sequence of x values in step 2 with the corresponding bits of
mod 35
and we terminate with x
18 as well.
We summarize all the above algorithms by the following complexities for compu-
tations in Z n . We assume that all operands are lesser than n .
Addition: linear in the size of n .
Multiplication, inversion, gcd: quadratic in the size of n .
Exponentiation: cubic in the size of n .
The Finite Field Z p
6.3.1 Basic Properties of Z p
We recall that a field is a ring K in which the multiplicative group K consists of
all nonzero ring elements. This means that all elements but zero are invertible for the
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