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6.2.2 Definition of Z n
We have already mentioned the group Z n . The structure of this group is however richer.
It actually has a ring structure.
We already mentioned its additive structure of an Abelian group. We can similarly
define the multiplication by
( a
b )
b mod n
Once again, we do not suggest writing it a
b since it may introduce confusion.
This is actually a “pedestrian way” to define Z n . A more intellectual one consists
of saying that Z n is the quotient ring of ring Z by the principal ideal n Z generated by n .
We have seen that we can make a quotient of an Abelian group by one of its subgroups.
For rings, we quotient by ideals. An ideal is a subset I such that
1. I is a subgroup for the addition;
2. for any a
I and any b
R ,wehave ab
I .
In this case, quotients are defined similarly as for groups. The multiplication of the
class of a by the class of b is simply the class of ab . An arbitrary set A can generate
an ideal
: it is simply the set of all ring elements which can be written as a finite
combination a 1 x 1 +···+
A . When A is
reduced to a single element, the ideal is principal . The principal ideal generated by n
is thus simply the set of all integers for which n is a factor. Making a quotient by this
ideal simply means that we further consider all multiples of n as zero elements: we
thus reduce modulo n . Classes of residues modulo n are uniquely represented by their
representative in
a n x n with a 1 ,...,
a n
R and x 1 ,...,
x n
Since we will later make an extensive use of Z n , it is important to get familiar with
it. We will use examples with n
35. As a computation example, we can see that
19 mod 35
because 27
46 and for 46 mod 35, we make the Euclidean division of 46 by
35. We get a quotient of 1 with a remainder of 11 (indeed, 46
11), thus
46 mod 35
11. As another example, we have
22 mod 35
because 17
374 and the quotient of 374 by 35 is 10 with a remainder of 24
(indeed, 374
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