Cryptography Reference
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The symmetric group S A over a given set A . This is the set of all permutations over
A with the composition law which is usually denoted
. When A
we denote it S n . Note that this is not an Abelian group when n
The group Z n of residues modulo n . This is the group
with the
additive law
( a
b )
b mod n
We do not encourage denoting it as a
b in cryptography since this may lead
to confusions with other modular additions, or even the regular one.
We recall that x mod n denotes the remainder in the Euclidean division of x by
n : computing the division of x by n , we obtain an integral relation x
r with
n . The x mod n integer is simply r . The quotient q is the greatest integer
which is smaller than
n . We can denote it r . We can thus write
x mod n
6.1.3 Generating a Group, Comparing Groups
If we take a subset A of a group G , we say that A generates G , or is a generator set,
if any element of G can be written as a finite product (or sum for additive notations)
of elements which are taken only from A or the inverse (or opposite) of elements of
A . For instance,
generates Z as a group since all relative integers are finite sums of
terms all equal to 1 or to
1, the inverse of 1. It also generates Z n with the modulo n
A group (homo)morphism is a function f from a group G (whose neutral element
is 1 G ) to a group G (whose neutral element is 1 G ) with the following properties:
1. If 1 G is the neutral element of G , then f (1 G ) is neutral in G ;
2. For all a
G ,wehave f ( ab )
f ( a ) f ( b ) (here, ab is a G -product and
f ( a ) f ( b )isa G -product);
3. For all a
G ,wehave f ( a 1 )
f ( a ) 1 (here, a 1 is a G -inverse and f ( a ) 1
is a G -inverse).
We notice that the first and third properties are consequences of the second one.
We can define the kernel f 1 (
1 G }
)of f as the reciprocal image of the set
1 G }
G such that f ( a ) is neutral in G . We can also define the image
f ( G )of f as the set of all elements reached by f . We have the following properties:
f : it is the set of all a
f is injective if and only if f 1 (
1 G }
1 G }
G .
f is surjective if and only if f ( G )
When a group morphism is injective and surjective, it is bijective, thus called a group
isomorphism . In that case we say the groups are isomorphic , and considered as having
the same group structure.
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