Cryptography Reference
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Merkle Puzzles
In 1978, Ralph Merkle published a paper (Ref. [129]) which explains how to perform
confidential communication when the two parties do not share any secret, which is
the basic problem of public-key cryptography. 4 Here, we assume that the two parties
communicate over a channel which already provides authenticity and that they want to
agree on a common secret key.
We use the notion of puzzle : a puzzle is defined by ( y
c ) and consists of recov-
ering a key r such that C 1
c ) where C is an encryption function.
We assume that doing an exhaustive search takes a complexity of
( y ) is a triplet ( n
( N )foragiven
parameter N . We also use a one-way function g , which is used as a pseudorandom
We assume that N , C , and g are defined. The Merkle key establishment protocol
works as follows between A and B .
1. A takes a random c , s 1 , s 2 . A takes N random r i . A computes n i =
g ( s 1 ,
i ),
c ). A sends c and all y i to B .
2. B picks a random i and solves the i -th puzzle. He recovers n i and k i . B sends
n i to A .
3. A gets k i =
k i =
g ( s 2 ,
n i ), y i =
C r i ( n i ,
k i ,
g ( s 2 ,
n i ). A and B now share the k i secret key.
(See Fig. 5.6.) The time complexity for A and B is O ( N ). If an adversary wants to
recover k i without knowing i , she must solve all puzzles until n i is correct, which takes
( N 2 ).
Authentication Chains
We put here some applications of conventional cryptography which are a little more
exotic. They illustrate how hash functions can be chained.
Merkle Tree
Before public-key cryptography was invented, researchers tried to invent the notion
of digital signature scheme . 5 A digital signature is an appendix to a digital document
which authenticates the signer. The signature is computed by using a private key, and it
is verified by using a public key. If a digital signature is “valid,” it proves that it has been
computed by someone who knew a given private key. This means that it is impossible
for an adversary to forge a valid signature without knowing the private key.
See Chapter 9.
The notion of digital signature and public key will be explained in Chapter 9.
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