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Figure 5.1. Password access control.
5.1.1 UNIX Passwords
UNIX passwords are a famous example that we saw in Section 2.4. Here, the client is a
user (or a UNIX process whose permissions are associated to the user) and the server
is a workstation.
Here the server must keep a database of “encrypted” (through a one-way function)
passwords. The one-way encryption is purposely slow in order to slow down access
control attacks.
5.1.2 Basic Access Control in HTTP
Another example of password access control, which is taken from RFC 2617 (Ref. [69]),
is used in the HTTP protocol. Here the client is a browser who wishes to have access to a
protected document called uniform resource identifier (URI) from a Web site. There are
two access control protocols: one is called basic and the other is called digest (the latter is
detailed in Section 5.2). In the basic protocol, the server must keep a database of (realm-
value,userid,password) triplets, where realm-value indicates one “part” of the HTTP
server, userid is the identification string of a user, and password is simply the password.
Upon a URI request to a server, the server sends a challenge
WWW-Authenticate: basic realm=” realm-value
Then the client must send credentials
Authorization: basic basic-credentials
where basic-credentials is the string
which is encoded according to the base64 algorithm. 1 If the (realm-value, userid,
password) triplet is correct, the server can respond to the URI request. Otherwise it
This encoding scheme simply consists of encoding bitstrings into byte sequences in which only 6 bits in
every byte are used. This is in order to avoid escape characters which might be interpreted by processes
as special instructions.
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