Cryptography Reference
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Decorrelation has nice properties which come from its algebraic definition. For
instance we can use the triangular inequality. When D is defined by a matrix norm, 6
decorrelation is multiplicative: if the canonical ideal random function associated with a
random permutation is a uniformly distributed random permutation, then the decorre-
lation of a product of independent random permutations is at most equal to the product
of the decorrelation of each permutation. Let C 1 and C 2 be two independent random
permutations over a set A . They are compared to a uniformly distributed random per-
mutation over A . Because of the independence between C 1 and C 2 ,wehave
C 1 ] d
[ C 1 ] d
[ C 2 ] d
[ C 2
Then we notice that
[ C 1 ] d
[ C ] d
[ C
C 1 ] d
[ C ] d
[ C ] d
[ C 2 ] d
C ] d
[ C ] d
[ C 2
because C
C , and C have exactly the same distribution. Hence
C 1 , C 2
[ C 1 ] d
[ C ] d × [ C 2 ] d
[ C ] d =
C 1 ] d
[ C ] d
[ C 2
which leads us to
Dec d ( C 2
Dec d ( C 1 )
Dec d ( C 2 )
C 1 )
We now show the relationship between best advantage and decorrelation.
Theorem 4.13 (Vaudenay 2003 [183]). We let
||| . ||| be the matrix norm associated
to the infinity norm:
y 1 , y 2 ,..., y d |
||| =
x 1 , x 2 ,..., x d
A ( x 1 , x 2 ,..., x d ) , ( y 1 , y 2 ,..., y d ) | .
For any F and its canonical ideal version F we have
2 Dec d
F )
BestAdv Cl na ( F
( F )
||| . |||
|| . || a which provides the same result for Cl a :
Similarly, there exists a matrix norm
2 Dec d
F )
BestAdv Cl a ( F
|| . || a ( F )
A matrix norm is a norm such that || A × B ||≤|| A || . || B || .
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