Cryptography Reference
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Proof. We let p C
DP C ( a
b ) be the probability of the characteristic (which depends
on the secret key). Given a distribution C , the probability that the distinguisher outputs
E 1
p C ) n
x ) n
E ( p C ).
over the distribution of C . Since we have 1
nx , this is less than n
p |≤
p ), we obtain that
Now since
max( p
max E ( p C )
E ( p C ) .
C )
Adv ( C
Finally, we have
E p C =
E DP C ( a
b )
P X C ( X
C ( X )
a )
C ( X
C ( X )
= X
a )
1 .
2 m
This concludes the proof.
Linear distinguishers can be modelized as depicted in Fig. 4.12. Here is a useful
lemma in order to analyze the advantage.
Lemma 4.8. For the distinguisher of Fig. 4.12 we let p c be the probability that the
output is 1 given an oracle c. We let p 0 be the probability that it outputs 1 when the
counter is incremented with probability
in each iteration instead of querying the
oracle. We have
2 n
p c
LP c ( a
p 0 |≤
b )
Proof. We first express the probability p c that the distinguisher accepts c . Let N i be
the random variable defined as being 1 or 0 depending on whether or not we have
c ( X )
b in the i -th iteration depending on the random variable X . All N i 's
Parameters: a complexity n , a characteristic ( a , b ) , a set
Oracle: a permutation c
1: initialize the counter value u to zero
2: for i from 1 to n do
3: pick a random X with a uniform distribution and query for c ( X )
4: if X · a = c ( X ) · b , increment the counter u
5: end for
6: if u
, output 1, otherwise output 0
Figure 4.12. Linear distinguisher.
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