Cryptography Reference
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A plaintext m is processed together with a key K to be used with the block cipher,
a nonce N of 15
L bytes, and an additional authenticated data a which is not meant
to be encrypted. For instance, a can be a sequence number in a communication session,
or a packet header to be authenticated.
To compute the CBC-MAC tag T with an empty a , we first compute a 128-bit block
B 0 , we then split m into a block sequence B 1 ,...,
B n (if necessary, the last block B n is
padded with zero bytes to make a full 128-bit block), we compute the raw CBC-MAC
of B 0 ||
B n , and we take the M leftmost bytes T of the result. The initial block
B 0 is formatted by
B 1 || ... ||
B 0 =
( m )
where N is the nonce (of 15
L bytes),
( m ) is the length (in bytes) of m (of L bytes),
and flag is a byte which is formatted by
where M and L are the encodings of the respective parameters on two 3-bit strings,
adata is a bit set to zero when the data a is of length zero. The leading bit 0 is reserved.
When the data a is of nonzero length, adata is set to one and a few blocks are inserted
between B 0 and B 1 . Those blocks consist of the encoding of the length of a followed
by a , then padded, if necessary, with zero bytes so that it can split into an integral
number of blocks. The encoding rule for the length of a depends on the size of a .
For instance, when a consists of at most 65,279 bytes, the length of a is encoded on
2 bytes.
Following a counter mode, we construct a sequence of counter blocks A 0 ,
A 1 ,
A 2 ,...
by formatting them by
A i =
where N is the nonce (of 15
L bytes), i is the counter (encoded with L bytes), and
flag is a byte whose three rightmost bits encode L and all others are basically set to
To encrypt T , we XOR it to the first M bytes of C K ( A 0 ) where C is the block cipher.
To encrypt the message m , we XOR it to the first
( m ) bytes of C K ( A 1 )
C K ( A 2 )
Processing m finally yields the concatenation of the two ciphertexts.
Decryption is quite straightforward from M , K , and N . Note that we can decrypt
on the fly. We can also compute the CBC-MAC on the fly and do the final check with
the decrypted T .
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