Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Pandia ® : Gold nanorods and
Their aPPlicaTions in cancer
TheraPy and In VIVo imaGinG
in comPanion animals and
Their PoTenTial aPPlicaTion
To humans
Christian Schoen
Nanopartz Inc., Loveland, CO, USA
Cheryl London
Department of Veterinary Biosciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
Nanopartz gold nanorods (AuNRs) were intravenously injected into canines for use
as a photothermal imaging tool and therapy of soft tissue sarcomas. We call this
system Pandia ® (Fig.  12.1). In a clinical trial, seven client-owned canines were
injected with up to 420 mg of AuNRs where UV-Vis was used to measure AuNR
blood concentration over a 3-day period. Once cleared, these sarcomas were treated
with a 10 W 808 nm laser diode and imaged with an IR thermal camera. In many
cases, complete recovery was seen.
Cancer is the major cause of death for companion animals. It is reported that 23%
of all dogs and 32% of all cats die from cancer. While, on the one hand, advances in
veterinary care can increase the life span of our companion animals, on the other
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